Ko Payam Ranong Thailand, Maldives
Payam Island is located at Moo 1, Ko Payam Ranong estuary about33 miles from mile journey takes 1-2 hours by ferry to Koh Payam, production of cashew nuts or Urhioo reputation of the province. Onthe island has an area of about 35 square miles. There is a rich foresthabitats of hornbills found easily.
The beaches are beautiful white beaches, Yai bay and khoa kuay bay. Located to the west of the island. And is home to many of the resort. The mae mai Bay, located to the east. A wharf.The shops. Guest House and had a motorcycle rental and rent a boattrip around the island. Diving Koh Kham which is close to Yu.
Travel by ferry to Koh Payam Pak Nam, near the jetty. Offers boatsize to 60 people a day 2nd attempt to see the island.
- Morning flights at about 9:00 pm
- Afternoon boat trip leaves at 14:00 am each boat 150 Baht
- Return boat trip from Pier widow efforts on the island at 9.30 am and14.30 pm The journey takes about 2 hours.
- There are also boat service takes about 40 minutes fare: 400 Bahteach boat from Ranong out at 10.00 and 14.00 am On the return tripfrom Ko Payam boat leaves at 9.00 and 13.00 am or contact theresort on Koh Payam.
The transportation on the island, only the path for the motor only SideAlso in close proximity to Koh Payam island also has many more.This is a fishing island of Koh Sin Hai Chang, tourists can charter a boat from Pak Nam Ranong Port Fish Market is the same.
credit: mochit.com and pictures from: Google.