Ranked 10 Centralia, Pennsylvania.

You ever see the movie Silent Hill (ghost town hell) me offline (I like people criticized this film. He defines this movie that "What the hell movie inspired"), what many people tend to remember about this movie is a scene with fog or city.Smoke anything, and look forward cover can not see. Many people see this awesome city does not want to go to it.
But if you believe it or not. The world on a city like this is. This city is called signing Travel Lick, Pennsylvania.
This ancient city was built for coal mining industry.The station has five-star hotel church school theater banks, post office and general store, but then in 1962, large fires have happened in this city. The Egnepoeing from someone burning trash fires left in the tank mine Then install coal fire. And expanded metro areas and cover all of the homes. Fire quickly spread. Despite spending millions trying to put out the fire. But not as effective. And it still is until today burns (more than 40 years ago to) many people have been carbon monoxide poisoning. Both in air and contamination. Including crime scene soil collapsed into a hundred feet deep. And find the new address of its inhabitants.
However. Some families have chosen to stay behind. And they are still there. Though Pennsylvania will ban all the buildings back in the city. U.S. Post Office and the Department has lifted the area code of that matter in 1981, signed a lick Travel to 1,000 people live in households, but now reduced almost count the number of people.
Rank 9 Dallol

Maybe this place would be the most beautiful place in the top 10 because we see from the pictures we have seen the strange landscape.Have many colors such as yellow, orange, green or red hot boiling salts resulting from any Pud is a place in the north of Ethiopia's 50 meters high above sea level. This is a ghost town area.(Referring to the deserted city) that causes the area near the volcano. Temperature is too hot in that area. Not suitable as a place of residence.
Also, this place has been regarded as one of the most remote places in the world, road transport, there is no need to land using only the camel's Kara valve to keep the salt exists. Full in the area.Even once this had railroads, but after World War 2, it was shut down due to trade routes better than the alternative.
The reason this place should not because it is located near the border conflict in the past several years trying to be a tourist place are often groupInadvertently harm frequently. But if you want to visit this place really. You need a vehicle armed with.
Rank 8 Hanford Site

Ford hands of this place in the south ofWashington, USA is a former small agriculturalcommunity in 1943, before this area became part of the Manhattan Project. In the production ofplutonium for use in nuclear power plants in the largest World War 2 and during the Cold War. As a result of excessive production of plutonium. Thewaste residue Kam Tong radiographic out a lotuntil the government does not plan to handlethese compounds as a result the area is filled withcontaminated waste, radiation and a Picture gumdoctor Contaminated ecosystems in the air. Tothe people of this area was carcinogenic and toxic substances, many.
Rank 7 Dzerzhinsk

Sin City spiders a link. A city in Russia. Situated on the Oka River, not far from the east of Moscow, about 400 km of this town was founded in 1920 by Mr. Felix Sierra parts KGB chief Mike first. (In the past, such that the unit run this unit Osaka).
Starting point for this city become places of fear, was launched in 1941 (until now) by 1941, prior to the Cold War that the city has set a source of chemical weapons. Leading the country. The chemical weapons that are toxic and dangerous total Such as dioxin, arsenic, Sarah Prince, Lewis sites, sulfur mustard, hydrogen cyanide, Alzheimer's and lead China and other organic chemicals. Until a stop to this toxic substance.Possession is a problem when the government did not know to handle toxic substances without a lot of this has to be handled easily. Is taken to burial or leave river. Resulted in the contamination today. And the urban population is sick and died of toxic residues increases every year.
Currently the city became a center of chemical production and has been identified as a class.The worst pollution in one of the world. Water contamination. Chemical residues. And the city does not allow visitors from outside visitors.
Rank 6 Dharavi

Is the largest slum in Asia. In Mumbai. India said that many web sights as depth of the Indian state of life. Species not known to this place, you do not go to India, the real (that is to write this, I do not myself to believe).
Cause that is a tourist place. Because this area is the source of pottery and textile industries. The reason is very simple congestion India as the population of the world's top quality but low-life people. So, they all flock to the capital to find work. But Mumbai is expensive to eat too. So Ghetto is a good choice. The rent just think 185 rupees (four U.S. dollars) per month.
Dharavi is a slum area with a population over one million people. Congestion in the area of 2.2 km at the surroundings are dirty and crowded insidiouslyIn addition, people who see this not as friendly.Atmosphere a saying that this is not a place where visitors walk I Eฟgi. Most cars in the area can not come. Drainage very good kind of rain that flooded when the water on it.
And 2006, statistics are public toilets in this area one room to accommodate over 1440 people per day (will not be asking me dirty) The result is that the city is filled with urine and waste are. Lead to the spread of communicable diseases. And this area has appeared in the movie "Slumdog (2008) too.
Rank 5 Linfen

City Tian Ying. In the province Xian Hui. Southern People's Republic of China, the city has a population of over 4.2 million people and claimed the city was always a dirty city in the world. This is covered by the pollution around the city as smog.
The pollution they cause. From the combustion of coal power plants. And low-tech factories that use illegal use in production, although the city is being pressured by the media and agencies, despite their surroundings. Yet until now the city is still a city full of pollution substances. Heavy metals like lead and the same.
Chinese residents will be forced to wear a nasal mask throughout the day. It is reported that some days is covered in very thick smoke and there were times when you do not see their own hands.Time will be traveling by car will have to open fire at any time. And sick children in this city because this toxin increases every year.

Rank 4 Room 39
Of course, North Korea, it has become a place where you do not want to. Another of the world.We do not recommend that you plan to travel this country in the course of a vacation is a 39 room office Or secret agencies are expected to Pyongyang, North Korea office was established in 1970 with the aim to maintain and raise money in the pocket of your leader Kim Jung Il (you regularly).
With a matter that North Korea is a country solitude. Living in famine conditions. People live in a squalid Prevent the development of many areas.Leaders can not give you money or spend money easily. Therefore, this organization has set up especially for this event. It is expected that the money in the pocket of the leaders have more money. 5 billion dollars this organization how to do any time or money to raise money to maintain the best set of funds such as money laundering, counterfeiting counterfeit money-making activities such as illegal drugs, weapons smuggling. In addition, this organization and has the authority to spend money to support political and Build nuclear weapons.
Rank 3 Mogadishu.
Capital. And the largest in Somalia. The East African country. The terrain adjacent to the coast in the Indian Ocean that serves as the seaport.Importance for many centuries.
If, in 1990, the city has become home barbarous instantly When rebel forces led by army leader Mo Farah Hamad I. Dick (Mohamed Farrah Aidid) seized the city as our installed base. Resulted in the country there is no law. Starving population.UN and U.S. to solve the problem until the Civil War.
Today, Somalia is one area that has become less stable in the world. Because this country without a recognized government. People were starving, lack of protein. Several roads damaged cable.After several buildings were destroyed due to explosions hit the city center. Pirates attack ship spread through this area every year. Muslim guerrilla rule of law Lynching. There is also a suicide bomb. And has announced that visitors will leave Somalia to the distance from the capital.(Why will go excellently).
Rank 2 Cite Soleil
Is a city located in densely populated urban HaitiHas been estimated that over 200,000 -300,000 people who live in this area. And this is one of the most crowded places in the world. It is also one of the dangerous places in the world. There is no sewer. There are no shops, no police or any electricity.
After the coup in 1991, people were to cycle of poverty. The unemployment rate is high. Illiterate population. In addition, the state of armed gangs rule the city in 2004, United Nations officials trying to control the area, but it can not solve this problem.
On January 12, 2010 a major earthquake of HaitiResulted in more than 230,000 million people died and 230,000 people over a million high Boutique homeless The slums of this great place is becoming worse and over again. Crime. From the rampant gang of armed robbery and kidnapping. Most people in the ghettos, most are children and youth. And the few that survive to age 50, most died of AIDS disease or violence. There is also a source of human trafficking. Members terrorism. Prisoner escapes from jail It is a scary place so much Haitian police do not dare go in.
Rank 1 Orangi Town
This city is the settlement of refugees living inNorthwest of Karachi. Pakistan It is larger than the slums in Mumbai. But less dense. And several components of the mouth can not say that this is a slum. (Because most people living with the middle class).
Population have about 2.5 million people (even the government can say that 200,000 people) is a Muslim minority of very diverse cultures. A result, the city faced the problem of ethnic conflict.
Although the pilot program to provide knowledge and developed a water pipeline, roads and clinics However, after the Afghanistan war. Contributed to the large number of immigrants. The severity of the two races (and a Spa Guy Afghan), many businesses closed down. Roads were abandoned. People have lived in the house, but violence, rape, suicide bombings and kidnappings of murder has become an inherent part of this. A result, this place became the world's most dangerous places in the end.
credit : toptenthailand